Archive for January 26th, 2015

January 26, 2015

YOUR Prayers and Support Has Helped to Give Thousands Hope and a Brighter Future

An Update from Bearden Ministries

On our first trip to the Dominican Republic some 16 years ago, John’s mother helped Hannah pick out a card to give to us prior to our departure.

In the card, of course, were her precious sentimental thoughts. But also included was this scripture from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I am reminded daily of God’s provision as well as vision for our lives as we go about His work.

Raising the Roof on New Community Water Houses

The summer months represent some of our busiest construction season in the DR, beginning with a huge three-week project in La Romana in June. This project included the completion of the construction of a chapel and also of a water house simultaneously in Villa Real. Three different churches assisted with this project, including Journey Community Youth, Augusta, Ga., First United Methodist Church, Waynesboro, Ga. and Grace Fellowship, Greensboro, Ga. Each team worked tirelessly to complete the project.

The water house will serve the Villa Real community of around 2,000 with purified water. Additionally, the water house will serve as a point of evangelism for the church, allowing the church to reach out to the community in Christian love.

In July, we focused on a house project in batey 7 for Nuris, the mother of one of our DR sons, Freddie. For years she has lived in a less than desirable house. There were instances when someone tried to tear down the wood-sided house to rob her while she was sleeping inside of the house.

With the help of another group from Journey Community Church, Augusta, Ga., we were able to provide her with a concrete house, which provides security and more space for her, her daughter and her new grandson. Freddie extended his gratitude to the group thru tears of joy. He not only thanked the group for the new house for his mother, but above all to God who so graciously provided for his family. I can assure you that there was not a dry eye in the crowd.

Following the house project in batey 7, we worked with a group from White’s Ferry Road Church, West Monroe, La. and Pegram Church of Christ, Pegram, TN. to provide medical care to approximately 600 people in Neyba, Vista Lago and Apolinar. Vacation Bible School was also conducted at a local orphanage by the visiting churches for children abandoned after the earthquake in Haiti.

We returned to our DR home in Bani to end the summer with a much needed ‘housekeeping’ project. With the assistance of a team from Shelby Presbyterian Church, Shelby, NC, we gave the IED Camp a facelift. The pavilion desperately needed new screens and paint. The group also completed Nehemiah’s wall, providing much needed security for the camp.

The most amazing partnership grew from this work. Eight different churches from all over the island were represented on the camp, assisting the US church team. Many wonderful relationships developed from this project. During the work, we took time out to visit two different communities with functioning water houses and also to conduct VBS.

God’s Will Be Done

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” PROVERBS 19:21

When John and I began this journey, we created Bearden Ministries to work for the glory of God. We decided we would be obedient to His calling and to be attentive to His nudges.

Over the past two years, we have partnered with Water at Work Ministry to help provide clean water in poverty stricken areas that have had no access to clean, affordable water. Water at Work’s main purpose is to “Advance the kingdom of God through the use of clean water.” Each water house was built in connection with a church and used as points of evangelism.

Our partnership with Water at Work Ministry has allowed us to put into practice the scripture in John 4:13, Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

It was during this time that God began nudging us. Our ministry flourished and many people came to know Christ through the use of water. John and I both believed in the Water at Work Ministry and became more involved.

Somehow in our hearts we always knew we would return to the states but were not sure of the timing. Before we left to come to the DR, John had approximately 5 years before he could retire from his previous job. In the midst of all this mission growth, John was approached by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to return to his previous position as Wildlife Technician Georgia Department of Wildlife Resources, assigned to Dilane Plantation Waynesboro, Ga. This is the place we lived for 20 years prior to coming to the DR.

The DNR would re-instate his retirement and allow us to move back to the same house where we raised our girls. Our biggest concern, of course, would be…how to continue doing what we loved so much from the states? In stepped God with his masterful plan…a position with Water at Work.

After much prayer, John and I have decided to return to the states at the beginning of April. John will continue his position with Water at Work on a part-time basis. I will assume a full-time position with Water at Work as the Director of Church Relations and Evangelism in the US/DR. This position will allow me to connect with churches in the US who believe in our mission and work with the DR pastors and in country evangelism team to continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As we look back over the past four years, we cherish the time we have had. God has allowed us to pour ourselves and His wisdom into individuals here in the DR. The ministry has allowed each of them to grow as individuals in Christ, committed to carrying the gospel to others. And each has worked extremely hard and they now have positions of employment with Water at Work.

We have 36 water houses functioning to provide clean water to approximately 2,000 people in each community. We have built houses for individuals, churches for worship and provided medical and surgical care for many people. We have provided individuals with reading glasses as well. We have resurrected the camp in Bani, which now will serve as a focal point of evangelism for the Iglesia Evangelica Dominicana (IED) church. God has blessed the ministry tremendously.

He also blessed us as a family. He allowed us to stand in His place in service here to be His heart, hands and feet. He has strengthened our faith through obedience to His calling. We will forever be grateful to individuals such as you who have prayerfully and financially supported this ministry. We are one together in service to Jesus Christ.

We Continue to Ask for Your Support and Prayers

We will continue to need your financial support until April, at which time we will transition home to the United States. We ask if you would like to continue to support us in our ministry contributions be made to Water at Work 1155 Mount Vernon Highway Suite 800 Atlanta, GA. 30338 or online at We will continue to maintain our Facebook, Instagram and ministry page for the next few months, and then eventually merge with Water at Work Facebook, Instagram and ministry page.

Please continue to cover us (our family and sons, Juanluis and Freddie) in prayer as we transition back to the US. It will be difficult to leave behind all the wonderful Dominican and Haitian people we serve. Please note, we will also leave our sons, Juanluis and Freddie here to continue to work in ministry with Water at Work. We are so proud of the Christian example they both set for young men.

In Christ,

The Beardens
